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Blue sweater big sheep A leaf infested with wooly aphids (Eriosomatinae), common garden plant pest in warm climates. Detail, wooly thyme groundcover Two wooly sheep grazing on green grass in a field. One is white and the other is brown Two sheep of a wool breed on a green meadow. A white sheep with a black muzzle. Free space, horizontal. The concept of animal husbandry. Ancient and majestic wooly mammoth, now extinct for thousands of years. Generative AI. Contrasting image of sheep in a field Llama and a Ram:  A wooly Llama and a Ram standing nest to a feeder in New York's Hudson Valley sweater weather - cute illustration of a cat wearing a wooly jumper Hemlock Woolly Adelgids coat the needles of an infected Hemlock tree in Asheville, NC. Close up of a wooly sheep face.