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Piece of petrified tree, complete with petrified woodworm holes, at Jose Ormachea Petrified Forest, a petrified forest near the city of Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina; Patagonia, Argentina Holes left by woodworm on a very old wooden desk. Detail of Common Furniture Beetle Damage, infestation is recognisable by sawdust on the floor and by holes in the wood
woodworm little woodworm Common woodworm pest, woodworm pest wood damaged by woodworm Detail of an antique wooden italian furniture just restored with a magnifying glass on foreground looking for woodworm threat detection Woodworm in Infested Oak wood of a wine barrel. Seamless Background of Old wooden beam affected by woodworm with holes. Wood-eating larvae of species of beetle. Concept of treatment and detection a board with insect holes European lyctus beetle - Lyctus linearis. Common wood-destroying insect. Texture wood background.