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Crowded beach day filled with tourists and locals at Kailua Beach Park on the windward side of Oahu, Hawaii The rugged windward side of Anguilla Island braces against the majestic and ever-moving Caribbean. Tropical Hawaiian waterfall Koloa gulch falls panoramic view east Windward side of Oahu USA, Hawaii, Oahu, Large waves along the Pipeline Beach on the windward side of the Island Aerial view of Windwardside village from the Mount Scenery volcano on the Caribbean island of Saba in the Netherlands Antilles. Views of the shoreline on the windward side of Saint Vincent; Saint Vincent, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies mucchio di grani di farro e orzo su sfondo trasparente per fotografia pubblicitaria di cibo cucina ricette ristorazione agricoltura biologica ecosostenibile vegana vegetariana Description: Lush mountain scenes from a ridge trail on Oahu Hawaii overlooking Kaneohe Kailua and the windward side of the island Manana Island and Kaohikaipu Island are located on the Windward side of O'ahu orzo Hikers gather on the Lanikai Pillbox for views of the Pacific Ocean and windward side of Oahu, Hawaii View of the ocean from Waimanalo Beach in Oahu, Hawaii