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West Africa Region. Map of countries in western Africa. Vector illustration West Africa, Mali, Senegal, Guinea, Cote d'ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Benin on wooden world map. Political color interior map of the world with countries on the wall. African women carrying bowls on their heads, Benin, Africa Skyline/Cityscape of Victoria Island in Lagos, Nigeria Map of UNSD regions of Africa. Statue called Monument of the African Renaissance located in Dakar, Senegal Clouds gather above the hills and rain forest of sub-saharan West Africa in the bush of Ghana. Gravel road in Namibia - panorama - Africa Herero dolls souvenir for sale on a stall in Windhoek Namibia south west Africa. Maps of the Africa Mali, Bougouni, Aerial view of fields in arid Sahel zone Sierra Leone, West Africa, the beaches of Yongoro