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Creative round frame with craft pink paper butterflies on a blue background. Flat lay. Copy spae. PEQUEÑAS SETAS SILVESTRES DE COLOR BLANCO. The shaman of the woods Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt der europäischen Pilze Aufgenommen im Wald, einzeln und in Gruppen, aus einzigartigen Blickwinkeln, auch von unten. Perfekt für Naturfreunde Setas después de la lluvia Colorful Amanita muscaria with gills and volva on white background, mushroom, colorful Aislado de Mano con Seta Macrolepiota Procera Colorful Amanita muscaria with gills and volva on white background, gills, wild Colorful Amanita muscaria with gills and volva on white background, nature, gills, colorful A veiled lady mushroom dons its elegant white hood, sheltered beneath a reddish-brown cap that gently curves to Colorful Amanita muscaria with gills and volva on white background, mushroom, colorful Amanita virosa, known in Europe as the destroying angel, a deadly poisonous mushroom from Finland