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Vinci, Leonardo birthplace, view and bell tower of the church. Florence, Tuscany Italy Vitruvian man.  Drawing of Leonardo da Vinci Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci Code Da Vinci Classic Retro Illustration Da Vinci - Self - London. Date: 1452 - 1519 Leonardo da Vinci - Proportionsschema der menschlichen Gestalt nach Vitruv Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci - an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance. Illustration of the 19th century. Germany. White background. Hands reaching. Digital illustration sketch in the style of old renaissance drawings on paper. The mechanisms. Atlantic code 7 verso a. By Leonardo Da Vinci in the vintage book Leonardo da Vinci by A.L. Volynskiy, St. Petersburg, 1899 hands of two persons pointing at eachother like leonarda da vinci 's art Florenz, Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da vinci portrait postcard