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Outdoor parking rules. Correct and incorrect parking. Do not park on the nature strip, verge or footpath. Flat vector illustration template. Plants on roadside verge a verge with cow parsely nex to a road in the dutch countryside and a dramatic grey sky in the background Grassy road verge Chicory and other wildflowers grow exuberantly on a small green strip between the road and a foot and bicycle path  in the town of Zwolle, The Netherlands daffodils by side of road Grass verge left to grow along a busy roadside with blurred cars passing by On sunny street African American woman, on verge of latter stage of life, delights herself by blowing soap bubbles incessantly. regression into this innocent activity underlines need View of countryside and trees landscape, UK Footpath with street trees and houses wildflowers planted to encorauge insects in a roadside verge White abstract geometric background as stage with crossed lines, corners and polygon. AI Generative