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medieval traditional hill top villages (borgo) of Italy -Vallerano (Viterbo province) , Lazio Scenic sight in the village of Vignanello, Province of Viterbo, Lazio, Italy. Palazzo Farnese - Caprarola Panorama of the town of Caprarola in the province of Viterbo - Italy
Aerial view in 4k, of the town of Caparola Caprarola latium village panorama - landscapes Viterbo province - Italy Chiesa Madonna del Ruscello - Vallerano, Viterbo, Italy/Town valli del po A beautiful building surrounded by mountains and waters in the small town of Vallerano, Italy, travel concept The Tiber river flows along with trees in sunny day, Rome, Italy. Vallerano (Viterbo) Notte delle candele The Tiber river flows along with trees in sunny day, Rome, Italy.