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Treatment of newborn baby navel with a cotton swab hands of a mother bathing her little newborn baby with a soft sponge and warm water, with the umbilical cord clamp still attached Newborn baby belly-button The anatomy of the umbilical cord. Cross-sectional diagram of human umbilical cord. Fetal Circulation. Close-up doctor obstetrician nurse cutting umbilical cord with medical scissors to newborn infant baby. Medical surgeon giving birth to child. New human life begin. delivery labor childbirth hospital fetus icon logo vector design template Newborn baby with umbilical cord sleeping Illustration of Human fetus inside the womb Side view of FPSO vessel and deck Cutting the umbilical cord between a newborn baby and placenta. Close up cleaning umbilical cord of 4 days after newborn with alcohol A doctor holds a newborn baby while a father cuts the baby girl's umbilical cord