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Lake Pehoe and Los Cuernos del Paine, Torres del Paine National Park, Ultima Esperanza Province, Magallanes and Chilean Antactica Region, Patagonia, Chile FORLÍ, ITALY - NOVEMBER 10, 2021:  The carved relief of Last Supper in the altar of church Basilica di San Pellegrino Laziosi  after Leonardo da Vinci by unknown artist. The Old Pier (Muelle Historico) in Almirante Montt Gulf in Patagonia - Puerto Natales, Magallanes Region, Chile King Cormorant colony, Old Dock, Puerto Natales, Chile Supercontinent Pangaea with modern continental borders, Superocean Panthalassa, and Paleo-Tethys Ocean Puerto Natales, Chile Tourists on a exploration cruise approaching the Balmaceda glacier on the Last Hope Sound inside the Bernardo O Higgings national park in Patagonia, Chile. tecnologia de ultima generacion movil. Moonveil. Illustration La ultima pieza ultima cena The Last Supper (Última Cena) Juan de Juanes City of Puerto Natales Chile, Aerial Drone Above Town Buildings Amongst Patagonian Landscape of Idyllic Bay Water and Andean Cordillera Background