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Knights of the Templar (Convents of Christ) castle - Tomar Portugal Medieval Templar castle in Tomar Convent of Christ in Tomar, Portugal Cloister Hallway With Blue Tiles (Azulejos), Flat Stone Floor and White Columns. Templar Castle/Convent Of Christ, Tomar, Portugal. Tomar Kirche - Tomar church 01 Aerial drone view of Convento de cristo christ convent in Tomar at sunrise, Portugal Tomar, Portugal - April 2018: The Convent of the Order of Christ is a templar knights castle Convent of the Christ at Portuguese town Tomar Arches in front of church of historic Convent of Christ monastery, Tomar, Portugal Tomar Cityscape Convento de Christo Detail, Tomar, Portugal Beautifully preserved castle. In the center - a fountain