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caucasian man hands bushhammered a tombstone in a workshop, work concept A middle aged stonemason takes a moment to admire his handiwork a large wall of blocks and stones almost complete. His face is a picture of satisfaction one of the many joys of the craft Close-up of the hands of a stonemason, hitting the stone Sculptor gem-worker lifts a crane a piece of marble. stonemason Man carving stone Mature stonemason examining stone slab at workshop A stonemason is working on a sandstone block with chisel and hammer Bearded craftsman works in white stone carving with a chisel. Creative workshop with works of art. Stone carver working with hammer and chisel at marble column Stone carver in gloves working with a hammer and chisel on a marble slab. heavy handwork. production of monuments from marble. working with natural stone The master engraves the tombstone. Stone processing