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 sinuosity カーブする木曽川 Sinuosity along F347 towards Kerlingarfjöll Highlands on Iceland In backlighting, the pages of a large book are turned up close to the front to emphasise the sinuous movement of the pages. Intense bokeh. Warm atmosphere. Copy space. Onde gradienti suono magnetico sfumato astratto fumo sinuoso verde blu trasparente vettoriale elttronico pulsare background Rhine sinuosity at Rheinau with the Catholic Abbey Islet in the morning mist, at the German and Swiss boarder Toledo, Spain. Old city with its Royal Palace over the Tagus River sinuosity Serene highland landscape with meandering river. tipica strada toscana 湾曲する犀川と常念岳など北アルプスとウルシの紅葉とすじ雲, 日本,長野県,東筑摩郡,生坂村 Cigno sul fiume Adda