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A residential frame house construction project showing the engineered truss roof rafters and oriented strand chip board engineered wall sheathing New townhouse construction of pine lumber and sheathing scratch black background overlay / abstract black dark background, broken cracks and scratches for overlay Abstract dirty or aging film. Dust particle and grain texture or dirt use for overlay film frame effect with space for vintage grunge design. Martial arts fighter sheathing his katana Dust and scratches design. Aged photo editor layer. Black grunge abstract background. Copy space. Plywood sheathing layer during roof building construction on new residential home A close-up on roofing construction, roof sheathing with plywood boards, OSB and vapor, damp-proof membrane on roof beams against blue sky. Roofer Removing Old Nails from Roof Deck Realistic dry ice smoke clouds fog overlay perfect for compositing into your shots. Simply drop it in and change its blending mode to screen or add. Overlay. Sunset cloud overlay