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Never settle neon sign on brick wall background. Soft snowflakes dance in the air, settling on glimmering baubles that evoke the magic of the winter holiday season Mediocrity Green Road Sign and Clouds Large openair settling ponds where sediment and other particles are allowed to settle before the water moves on to the next stage of treatment. Muddy waters in a decantation pond. Toxic residuals from a copper mine decating in a settling basin Crack In A Older Home Foundation Sinking concrete foundation in need of mudjacking leveling repair. Sunken cement slab porch. Residential district with village of townhouses  in a picturesque location near a pond with a fountain in the city of Richmond An areial view of settling ponds on edge of Corio Bay A sweeping closeup captures a layer of lightcolored grout settling between the tiles with the small staggered pre tile spacers still in place. The spongy texture of the grout There will be figures with comment clouds above their heads. This is social communication. This is information exchange. This is rumor and gossip. This is group discussion. This is dialogue. This is Unpacked cardboard moving boxes in the foreground with a family settling in the blurry background in their new home