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Vienna - Paint of st. Augustinus the big teacher of west church Augustine of Hippo, Saint Augustine, philosopher and theologian. Generative AI.
Pavia, Italy. 2017/11/11. The painting of Saint Augustine. Painted in XIV century (1330s-1340s) by Jacobello di Bonomo. Currently in Castello Visconteo. Saint Augustine baroque sculpture Saint Augustine of Hippo.  Stained glass window. Thi Nghe Church.  Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam.  25.02.2017 Aerial view of the St Johns County Ocean Pier in St Augustine Beach, Florida, United States. St Augustine, Florida, USA Downtown Drone Skyline Aerial Stained Glass - Saint Augustine St. Augustine, Florida, USA downtown plaza. Esztergom, Hungary. Mosaic and fresco depicting Saint Augustine, one of the Four Great Doctors of the Western Church, in Esztergom Basilica. Saint Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430) was a Roman African, early Christian theologian and philosopher from Numidia whose writings influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosop Aerial of St Augustine, Florida