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New recycled growth from old concept. Recycled tree stump with rings and cracks growing a new sprout or seedling. Bushfire regrowth from burnt bush A small plant growing from a tree stump in a sunlit forest, symbolizing new beginnings and resilience in nature. Sun rays illuminate the scene. closeup of a burnt log with fresh green shoots sprouting through ash Close-up shot of fresh, green Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea) leaves growing in a forest near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, after the devastating bushfire season of 2019. New Growth regrowth, after the fire, Boranup Forest Nurse log regrowth Seed regrowth on tree following bushfires Australian bushfires aftermath: eucalyptus trees recovering after severe fire damage. Eucalyptus can survive and re-sprout from buds under their bark or from a lignotuber at the base of the tree. Regrowth in the Bay Area Regrowth after Australian bushfires