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Panorama from man-made caves, Dolomites, Italy. lighthouse on a stormy day with crashing waves, oil on canvas by james a bo Woman saves herself in faith - Religion - religious, church, symbol. Sign symbol cross. Nature reserve, walking trails, peaceful solitude offer a refuge for those seeking tranquility in nature Lavaredo refuge on the trail around Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Auronzo, Belluno, Veneto, Dolomites Close up photo of a Bible text focused on the words  Group of refugees standing in a barren landscape, wearing backpacks. Harsh lighting casts long shadows, symbolizing displacement and crisis. A diverse and resilient community, united in their journey Atmeh Refugee Camp, Idlib, Syria. June 17th 2013. .Internally displaced child Syrian refugees in the Atmeh refugee camp, Idlib province Syria. Young woman giving hug to her cute little son with brown soft teddybear while both sitting on sleeping place prepared for refugees Refuge du glacier blanc Group of Caucasian refugees eating food while hiding in shelter on floor covered with blankets God is my refuge