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Thoughtful female tourist with coffee to go in hand pondering on vacations near river in Hong Kong, attractive hipster woman trendy dressed thinking on discover metropolis during Chinese holidays 部下を励ますアジア人ビジネスマン 部下を励ます、褒める男性上司 悩み相談をする落ち込む女性と励ます・慰める女友達
Businessmen encourage : Businessman smashing shoulders encouraging colleagues : Close up of male business man comforting colleagues with worries.
落ち込む女性を励ます男性 バッティングセンターで話すビジネスマン2人 a man standing in front of a painting of a starry night, painter recreating the moment Van Gogh gazed upon the Starry Night sky 泣く女性を励ます女性 Back of a baby with a teddy bear 登校を嫌がる男の子を励ます母親 A chef recreating an ancient Roman dish with ingredients like honey, figs, and spiced meats, capturing the taste of history.