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Château de Rambouillet, Yvelines, France	Rambouillet castle in autumn parc, forêt, château de Rambouillet dans les Yvelines (France) Picturesque Public Park and canal in town of Rambouillet. Rambouillet, Yvelines department, Ile-de-France region, 50 km southwest of Paris. France. Cerf Château de Rambouillet Castle of Rambouillet near Paris, Yvelines, France - Old stately home that was the official residence of the Presidents of the French Republic with round turrets covered with vines Chateau de Rambouillet Ile de France, the picturesque city of Rambouillet View of Rambouillet castle , XIV century, in picturesque Public Park in town of Rambouillet , 50 km southwest of Paris. France. Château de voisins, Saint-Hilarion, Yvelines 78 chateau de rambouillet