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Steel is increasingly being produced in integrated steelworks View of stack with pig iron ingots stored in sea port warehouse Pig iron , is an intermediate good used by the iron industry in the production of steel, which is developed by smelting iron ore in a blast furnace. Pig iron has a high carbon 3.5-4.5% Industry for manufacturing of pig-iron, Ostrava, Czech Republic Modern fireplace. Set fireplace, gypsum, flame. Metal Fireplace, pig-iron fireplace pleases with a beautiful bright flame near a linking of firewood 紅葉の八方池と白馬連峰の不帰嶮の水鏡, 白馬村,北安曇郡,長野県 Beautiful bench separately on a white background Sausages in a pig-iron frying pan. Forging molten metal. Making knives. The bridge through the river, with perspective of a pig-iron handrail View of the city embankment with an openwork pig-iron protection, trees and the snow-covered river in cloudy day. Blast furnace in steel factory