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Plant cell micrograph, microscopic view of cells enlarged Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, light micrograph rabbit epididymis cross section under the microscope showing spermatozoa inside its tubes - optical microscope x100 magnification Pine leaf, cross section, 20X light micrograph. Pine tree needle under the microscope. Epidermis cells, cuticle, mesophyll, resin canals, central oval with vascular cylinder surrounded by endodermis. cross section cut slice of plant stem under the microscope – microscopic view of plant cells for botanic education Backgrounds of human cells tissue of cervix under the microscope in pathology lab.View in microscopic of ductal cell carcinoma, adenonocarcinoma from human breast cancer, tissue section by H and E Pine Wood micrograph gallnut plant cells micrograph Camera photo of various pathological slides from thyroid gland,  endometrium and breast, magnification 400x, photograph through a microscope Melanoma in situ (MIS) is an early stage, while tumor cells are still confined to the epidermis, before invasion of dermis.  Excision at this stage is curative.  Use of sunscreen is preventative.  Abstract micrograph of parts of a lily flower. Microscopic image of pine leaf cross-section