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Louis Philippe Entrance to the tomb of Philippe II, Aigai, Vergina, UNESCO World Heritage Site C-P Oberkampf. Date: 1738 - 1815 Postage stamp France 1969 General Leclerc, Marshal of France Geranium Philippe Vapelle flower close-up Louis Philippe I was King of the French in the old book the The Portrait gallery, by A.S.Suvorina, 1885, S.Petersburg Falaise du Cap Méchant - Ile de La Réunion Louis Philippe I, vintage engraving. Equestrian portrait of Philippe II  Duke of Orleans (1674 - 1723)  member of the royal family of France and ruler in the Regency period. Palestre d'Olympie Labastide-d'Armagnac (Landes) Tower Philippe le Bel, Villeneuve les Avignon, France