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pang oung Morning sunlight and misty reservoir at Pang Oung or Pang Tong Royal Project (Mae Hong Son, Thailand) pang ung , reflection of pine tree in a lake , meahongson , Thailand Maehongson, Thailand - December 12, 2016: Tourists playing bamboo raft Paramedic suffering from stress and burnout pang ung , reflection of pine tree in a lake , meahongson , Thai pang oung reservoir in ban rak thai at maehongson , Thailand Young woman waking up in the morning feeling tired suffering from insomnia bad sleep Beautiful scene of Pang Oung national park in pine forest in Mae Hong Son province, Thailand Morning in Pang Ung Lake,North of Thailand, is a tourist place where people come to vacation in the winter. Because of the large reservoir The cold causes steam to rise above the surface. Reservoir, Pang Ung Reservoir, Travel Reservoir and Bamboo Raft Ride Morning view with reflection and beam at The royal initiative project Pang Tong (Pang Ung), Mae Hong Son, Thailand