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View on antique Palatine Hill in Rome. Rome is a famous tourist destination Ancient Rome Forum Romanum and Palatine hill scenic view House of Augustus, ancient Roman ruins on Palatine hill, Rome, Italy Rare view on Palatine hill in Rome  Sunset over the archaeological site of the Palatine, one of the seven hills on which Rome was built, photographed from the side facing the Circus Maximus Ancient Rome city skyline from Palatine Hill, Rome, Lazio ROME, ITALY, 24 April 2017. The Palatine Hill - view from The Coliseum. palatine ruins view Roman Forum or Forum of Caesar, in Rome, Italy Roman forum and Palatine Hill, Rome, Italy, Europe Aerial view of Colosseum and Palatine Hill in the historic center of Rome, Italy. According to the legend, it is from this hill that the history of Rome began. Rome, Italy at the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum