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Panorama of Nile Amazing Aswan landscape on the way to The Great Sphinx and Pyramids of Egypt Sunset over the Nile River in the city of Aswan with sandy and deserted shores Along the Nile river hungry nile crocodile Nile River Cruise The Nile River, Luxor, Egypt Aerial view of the White Nile River as it flows through Juba, South Sudan View of Nile river in Luxor, Egypt Incredible orange sunrise at the temple of Philae, a Greco-Roman construction seen from the Nile river, a temple dedicated to Isis, goddess of love. Aswan. Egyptian Sailing on the Nile at Catarct, Aswan, Egypt Beautiful Nile scenery with sailboat in the Nile on the way to The Front of the Abu Simbel Temple - Egypt, Africa