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Tagus river passing Monfrague national park in Spain. Mirador del Salto del Gitano in Monfrague National Park. Nest of a colony of black vultures over Tagus river. Province of Caceres, Spain Milky Way and stars over the Tagus river in the Monfrague natural par monfrague Monfrague National Park Salto del Gitano rocks in Monfrague natural park Colorful rocks and river of the Monfrague national park, Spain Visitors observing Monfrague National Park from viewpoint. Caceres, Spain Beautiful landscape in Monfrague, Spain Kingfisher, Alcedo athis,Tajo River, Monfrague National Park, ZEPA, Biosphere Reserve, Caceres Province, Extremadura, Spain, Europe Skyline Monfragüe Panorama from Cerro Gimio