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Closeup of two seagulls searching for nesting grounds in a remote coastal city abroad and overseas. Birdwatching curious and mischievous migratory avian wildlife looking for food in a harbour dock A flock of cranes flying under blue sky, migratory birds, panorama, diagonal composition The Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus, migratory bird is a rare visitor in the Netherlands The rice paddies and shallow fish farms are like magnets to coastal and migratory birds. A flock of migratory birds flying over a polluted lake, underscoring the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the importance of habitat conservation. migratory cranes fly in flocks to southern countries swarm of monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus group during sunset Silhouette of Number of Bird Flying over Sea when Sunset Vector banner or card with silhouettes of flying geese or ducks on the blue and green background with wave, flock of migratory birds. The Chinese characters Happiness, Truth A flock of migratory birds. At sunrise, large flocks of migratory birds fly over the village sky. Birds Of Various Sizes And Colors Stand On And Around Stumps And In The Grass Of A Vast, Watery, Green Marsh.