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San Lorenzo Maggiore Basilica, Milan Basilica di San Lorenzo Basilica of St Lawrence timelapse  in Florence city. Colonne di San Lorenzo Maggiore in Milan Italy Basilica di San Lorenzo Cappelle Medicee chapel and Giovanni delle Bande Nere monument on Piazza di San Lorenzo square in historical centre of Florence city, blue sky white clouds, Tuscany, Italy The church of San Lorenzo, Turin, Italy Cattedrale of San Lorenzo in historic center of Trapani, Sicily, Italy. Cattedrale di San Lorenzo at night Rotonda di San Lorenzo church in Mantua The only statue of a crying lion in the world, Genoa, Italy Lorenzo de' Medici was an Italian statesman, banker in the old book the The Portrait gallery, by A.S.Suvorina, 1885, S.Petersburg detail of the cathedral of saint lorenzo in genoa San Lorenzo church Turin