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Spring flowers, narcissus (daffodils) blooming in a garden young smiling woman is looking at the flower wild daffodil or Lent Lily (narcissus pseudonarcissus) in snow, Munich, Bavaria, Germany The yellow daffodil, also known as lent lily, is the best known plant from the daffodil genus within the family of the amaryllis family Closeup of a yellow daffodil flower Easter Decoration, Grass, Text Relax, Bunny, Egg Little girl showing bunch of daffodils Closeup of beautiful yellow wild daffodil flowers with green leaves. Spring scene: Daffodil flowers in early spring Blooming lent lily flower in the natural background Wild daffodil or  Lent lily (Narcissus pseudonarcissus),Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom Lent lily