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3d rendered medically accurate illustration of intestinal villi young woman who makes a heart shape by hands on her stomach. Close-up of vibrant purple intestinal villi, highlighting absorption in the digestive system Intestinal bacteria, Gut microbiome helps control intestinal digestion and the immune system, Probiotics are beneficial bacteria used to help the growth of healthy gut flora Gut. a person with a stomach ache holding their hands over their stomach with an illustration of intestines super imposed over top intestinal  icon Woman using digital x-ray of human intestine holographic scan projection 3D rendering Model of the small intestine in the human body. Microvilli on the surface of digestive system or intestinal tract. anatomy, biology, science, medicine, medical and healthcare concepts. 3D rendering. Bacteria on the intestinal epithelium surface, illustration blackbird small intestine cross section under the microscope showing longitudinal muscle, circular muscle, submucosa, mucosa, intestinal villi and lumen - optical microscope x100 magnification Small Intestine Diagram. Cross-section of a typical segment of the intestinal wall showing the layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa.