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Tabajaras-Cabritos favela slum, impoverished community with poor housing, Tijuca National Park, Rio de Janeiro Woman distributing food to poor and homeless people Aerial view between old soviet made apartment buildings, revealing a soccer field, in a indigent slum neighborhood of Kyiv, during sunset, in Kiev, Ukraine - rising, drone shot Homeless elderly man is sitting at an outdoor table, eating a plate of food at a place dedicated to helping the poor. Businessman giving helping hand to poor begging needy person Food for the poor to feed the hungries, concept of food donation, distribution of italian pasta to the needies Volunteers distributing hot meals to the homeless during holidays Row of tents along a city street, homeless individuals sleeping inside, raw and honest depiction of life on the edge Dilapidated Abandoned retro caravan. Old travel. Generate AI Economic Losses from Extreme Weather, Create infographics comparing losses in wealthy and impoverished regions Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF is shown on the photo Group of young African kids walking with buckets and jerrycans on their head as they prepare to bring clean water back to their village.