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63 Renaissance Portrait The driver's face is idealized and reali Young couple spending time together in countryside man looking at idealized body builder image of himself in mirror A CGI image of a cluster of glass and steel skyscrapers reaching into the clouds, reflecting an idealized vision of a modern urban environment. Empty square floor with city skyline background, Cityscape with a utopian vision, idealized urban landscape embodying hope and progress Artificially perfect garden with idealized flowers and flawless greenery. Business concept presented through a visual representation of an idealized market, depicted as a boat on a calm blue ocean with a graph._00002_ woman blindfold face skyward cowl bone structure plaster cheek falling love eyes closed idealized side profile mate portrait A beautiful young woman smiling and posing for the camera A family walking through a suburban neighborhood in the 1950s, with perfectly manicured lawns and white picket fences, representing the idealized American Dream in yesterday’s society Vintage style illustration of a smiling woman wearing an apron Dreamy butterfly and heart valentine's day scene