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iconostasis at  Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. 19th century Blueprint of an iconostasis on white background altar and ambo Russia Bataysk 03.28.2020  Church. Eastern сhristian orthodox сhurch of Byzantine tradition. Traditional religious paintings and icons. Altar and iconostasis Iconostasis of the upper hall of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Valaam monastery The Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo, the iconostasis. Moscow, Russia interior of the church iconostasis icons objects of worship altar religion crucifixion Iconostasis inside the Assumption Cathedral, the Kremlin, Moscow, Russia UGLICH, RUSSIA. An iconostasis in the Transfiguration Cathedral interior Orthodox iconostasis inside the Church iconostasis in slovak orthodox church Ornate golden iconostasis with religious paintings in an Eastern Orthodox Church, exuding rich spiritual and cultural heritage.