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Humpback Whale in Tonga Pacific Ocean Polynesia Humpback Whale Jumping humpback whale over water. Madagascar. At sunset. Waters of the island of St. Mary. A Baby Humpback Whale Plays Near the Surface in Blue Water Seascape with Whale tail. The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) tail Adult humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), bubble-net feeding in Sitka Sound, Southeast Alaska Humpback whale near the surface Humpback whale breaching and landing, Isla de la Plata (Plata Island), Ecuador breaching humpback whales 1 calf humpback whale swims very close underwater 4k Humpback whale jumping out of the water in Australia. The whale is falling on its back and spraying water in the air. Breaching Humpback Whale