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Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) Eating wild  male cheetal deer (Axis Axis). India Gemsbok with green forest, evening sunset. Gemsbuck, Oryx gazella, large antelope in nature habitat, Nxai Pan, Botswana, Africa. Wild animals in the savannah. Animal with big straight antler horn. Panorama of hippos wallowing in hippo pool 中国風のフレームと装飾素材/春節 Close up of a bison running , Bison, wildlife, animal, mammal, motion, speed, powerful, strength, natural, herbivore herbivores ensemble Herd of Impala (Aepyceros Melampus) in a forest, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania African Sulcata Turtle Tortoise herbivore reptile eating leaf leaves, cute friendly pet ラメグリッター_フレーム_四芒星 見出しやタイトルに使える手描きのアンダーライン。アンダーラインのあしらいセット。マーカーで描いたアンダーライン。 Gerenuk - Litocranius walleri also giraffe gazelle, long-necked antelope in Africa, long slender neck and limbs, standing on hind legs during feeding leaves. Evening colors