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learned helplessness Asian women with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness on white bed in bedroom, Either insomnia, Depression symptoms and warning signs concept Helplessness as a negative aspect of life - symbolized by word Helplessness and and chains to show burden and bad influence of Helplessness, 3d illustration Stressed man struggling with mental illness leaning by window suffering from emotional despair. One worried male person in 30s feeling pressure Man sitting on the stone, keeping his hand on the head A siks old man suffering from Alzheimer's disease loses memory like puzzle pieces scatter from his consciousness. Problems of Alzheimer's patients, helplessness and loss of mind, mental turmoil	Wooden dummy's hands tied with rope. Poignant scene of a tearful woman leaning on barbed wire. Beautiful young woman with nothing to do gesture, studio shot over gray background. Pretty girl with expressive facial expressions using language of body to say apologies, regret, failure, fail Fear and hope. Mental illness, depression, anxiety.
Birds in the night Portrait of woman with red bandage on eyes wooden man is grabbed by a man hand. The concept of helplessness and submission