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KILLER WHALE orcinus orca, PAIR LEAPING, CANADA Killer whale, grampus, orca in the jump. Schwertwal (Orcinus orca)  sprung aus Wasser vor Bergkulisse Killer whales swimming in the blue Pacific Ocean offshore from the North Island, New Zealand. orcas or killer whales in Kvænangen fjord in Norway hunting for herrings Vector illustration of an orca (killer whale). Three orcas in a row, telegraph cove at Vancouver island, British Columbia, Canada. Orca or killer whale (Orcinus orca), Kaldfjorden, Norway, Europe Bigg's orca whale jumping out of the sea in Vancouver Island, Canada AI generator image of orca wales, jumping out of sea surface, in a cristal clear water glacier a jumping orca Orcas outside Tromsø, Norway.
Photo: Marius Fiskum