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Problem Ignoring Concept. Frivolous Character Avoid Difficulties Prefer Ignoring Urgent Issues at Work and Life Concept of dealing with troubles. Chalk sketch of connecting puzzles with words serious and frivolous  frivolous 慶弔封筒(慶弔袋) 要望を傾聴をする日本人女性不動産営業職 Creative composite abstract photo collage of eyes watching through magnifier frivolous inaccurate man isolated on painted background Close-up of frivolous woman sitting on bench in university park with laptop and notepad trying unsuccessfully to prepare for exam. Upset college student having difficulties with studying in sunny day. Frivolous – Law, Judgment, Web. Laptop in the office with term on the screen. Hammer, Libra, Lawyer. Frivolous lawsuits is shown on the conceptual photo using the text Dog wants to bring lawsuits Friends making gestures against the blue sky FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS concept