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Fossiliferous limestone rough coquina limestone stone on white Fossili di echinidi del miocene sardo
Fossils in limestone. texture,fossil,shell,limestone Monument Rocks a geological fossiliferous chalk formation western Kansas Park with benches on the shore of a lake surrounded by mountains. Lake Lugano and the town of Riva San Vitale, Switzerland, at the foot of Monte San Giorgio UNESCO site for fossiliferous deposits Layers of stone that used to be an ocean floor covering the Midwest part of the United States.  These rocks are 375-million-year old Devonian fossiliferous bedrock. Red fossiliferous limestone Aged fossiliferous limestone brick wall background in shades of orange, pink, yellow, and beige A close-up of a fossilized ammonite embedded in rock, showcasing its intricate spiral structure. Detailed perspective of stratified limestone quarry rocks featuring natural textures