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Clever optical illusion with paper-crafted creatures appearing to interact with real-world elements through forced perspective techniques. Young woman standing in front of wind turbine Poor children are forced to work construction
Blond Frau an der Wand / Muskeln / Kraft / Power Slave hard work. Penal servitude Poor children at the construction site were forced to work. Concept against child labor. The oppression or intimidation of forced labor among children. Human trafficking. A child working illegally in a mine in difficult conditions. Illegal forced child labor. The concept of illegal human trafficking The concept of violence, slavery, the sale of people, violence against women. Restriction of freedom. Copy space. Top view Child labour in asian factory, young girl forced to sew clothes under poor working conditions, concept of illegal industry and worker discrimination ancient brick arch with forced perspective Modern slavery violation of human rights, includes human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage and forced marriage, human exploitation for personal or commercial gain hopeless man in the cage