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Closeup of a swath of freshly mowed green grass on the field, the grass was mowed by the farmer with a drum mower without conditioner and after drying will be silaged Mown hay Pyramid of hay barrels stacked in a field near animal farm Close up of cultivated grass forage field with sunset light shining through the stems, cultivated, grass, forage, field Hands holding bunch of fodder for calfs, livestock feed. A green field of alfalfa with a pasture on a hill and yellowing soybeans in the background with trees in a fencerow on a sunny day with a blue sky. Close up of a metal  colander bowl of nutritious foraged edible organic flowers and plants from the home garden  of nettles, violets, spinach on a vintage wooden table in the sunshine in Summer Tractor harvesting forage crop Big set of pasture and meadow hay and forage grasses, plants for cattle, horses, sheep, rabbits, birds. Round bale of hay next to a field of Sorghum ready to harvest - agricultural background Red clover in a hand.Clover extract. Valuable forage and medicinal plant.Useful herbs and flowers.Womens health flower. Hay in square bales in summer on a yellow field against the horizon - rural landscape, harvesting, fodder