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small boat at the edge of the eater of a delta Animal Photography. Animal Close up. Macro shot of White Chinese algae eater fish swimming freely in the aquarium. Shot in Macro lens Albino Red-fin Shark, Albino Rainbow Sharkminnow, Epalzeorhynchos frenatum (Labeo frenatus) on black. Pleco Catfish L-260 Queen Arabesque Hypostomus Plecostomus aquarium fish The Siamese Algae-eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) with Costae Tetra (Moenkhausia costaea). Flock of fish in the plant home aquarium with Micranthemum plants. Yellow chinese algaey eater - Gyrinocheilus in aquariun An algae eater fish sucking algae off aquarium tank wall, detailed close up texture of fish mouth and underside of the body, dark green blurred background with bokeh air bubbles anubias plant with golden algae eater hypostomus plecostomus isolated on white background Aquarium fish flat design front view aquatic cartoon drawing analogous color scheme Siamese Algae Eater in Freshwater Aquarium. Fish in aquarium