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Bushes and shrubs of chinese figwort growing along a paved garden path in botanical nursery. Cultivating scrophularia ningpoensis or ningpo figwort plants for traditional chinese homepathy medicine Common carder bee (Bombus pascuorum),  family Apidae.  On a flower of Common figwort (Scrophularia nodosa), figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Dutch garden, June.       Purple flowers and grey foliage of the Australian native Woolly calyxed Eremophila, Eremophila lachnocalyx. Member of the figwort family Scrophulariaceae. Endemic to Western Australia. A Butterfly Bush also known as a Summer Lilac which is a species of Figwort Flowering figwort Closeup Of Flower Bud - Fox Glove Best anti-inflammatory herbs Veronicastrum sibiricum or Siberian Culver's root figwort plant with purple pink flowers blossom blooming outside outdoors in garden of London, United Kingdom Verbascum lychnitis , of the family Scrophulariaceae (the figwort family). Escrofularia acuática (Scrophularia auriculata) Tokyo,Japan - October 19, 2022: bluewings or wishbone flower or Torenia fournieri in the rain
Knotige Braunwurz, Scrophularia nodosa, common figwort