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etiology word or concept represented by wooden letter tiles on a wooden table with glasses and a book Illustration depicting the transmission of the coronavirus through a green 2019 nCoV virus bacterium showcasing a vibrant and dynamic visualization of the Covid 19 molecule Etiology write on sticky notes isolated on office desk Scientist holding petri dish. Man in laboratory coat looking at bacterial colony The distribution of skin lesions across the body etiology Visualization of brain tissue death due to ischemic stroke, detailed and accurate A neoplasm on the face near a person's nose that looks like a wart or papilloma scientist makes a note of experiment in the laboratory CT (computerized tomography) urogram. Right renal mass, postoperative state, cystic lesion with hydro-uretero-nephrosis. Demyelination of Neurons in Demyelinating Diseases Impact of Myelin Sheath Damage. Concept Neurological Degeneration, Myelin Sheath Function, Disease Progression, Neuronal Impairment The word ETIOLOGY is made of wooden cubes on a red background. Medical concept.