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ethnology word or concept represented by wooden letter tiles on a wooden table with glasses and a book Interested young woman viewing collection of medieval knights armor in historical museum .. Harvest wreaths on Pomeranian harvest festival Traditional Slavic rituals in the rustic style. Outdoor in summer. Slavic village farm. Peasants in elegant robes. Vector graphic ethnic decorative elements. Vietnam - Hanoi - Ethnologisches Museum masque ethnique africain décoratif Beautiful young woman posing in romanian traditional costume. Vienna Old Town Cityscape. Austria. Collage de 15 personnes de diverses origine ethnique exprimant des émotions positives sur fond coloré Panama, Darien Province, Bajo Chiquito, Woman Of The Native Indian Embera Tribe Is Ceremonially Decorated With Jagua Bodypaint ANCIENT RITUAL MASK OF INDIA [Fort Kochi, India - December 2015 ]