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Chiesa Santa Eufemia Dongo - Lago di Como (IT) - Vista aerea panoramica Trekking sul Lago di Como Ausblick über die Chiesa Santa Eufemia auf den Comer See, Musso, Dongo, Lombardei, Italien
Holidays on lake of Como, typical village Lago di Como - Comersee... Scenic view of Dongo, Lake Como Aerial view of Como lake, Dongo, Italy. Coastline is washed by blue turquoise water Como lake seen from Dongo, High Lario. Lombardy Italy Europe View of the upper Lake Como and the town of Dongo.
Aerial villagescape, of Dongo by Lake Como, Lombardy, Italy Street in village Musso-Dongo at lake Como, where the dictator Mussolini became imprisoned through a road blockade