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Three derelict fishing trawlers derelict houses and abandone garage on a residential street with boarded up windows and decaying crumbling walls A derelict spaceship drifting in the abyss of space, full of artifacts of an alien civilization Aerial view directly above the damaged roof of derelict terraced houses after a house fire Paint peeling off plaster wall in a derelict building The windows on a derelict building covered with ivy Inside a derelict building. Slow move then hold. Old abandoned stone-built house in Old Perithia at Pantokrator Mountain, Corfu Island, Greece Old derelict victorian warehouse Urban decay - a derelict house with in a city suburb awaiting demolition. Abandoned houses can be vandalised or used by squatters. Vintage television in an abandoned industrial building Abandoned industrial zone in Chroatia under overcast weather.