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flecha siga de frente senal circular, sr-03, senal contorno rojo continue de frente transito trafico vehicular señal reglamentaria circular fondo blanco contorno rojo con flecha color negro transporte Serious young african american woman standing in park posing outdoors looking at camera shaking head negative response deflection reaction disagree sign prohibition rejection ban disagrees answers no Young fitness man performing backward bend against gray wall Deflection, cracked and collapse of ribbed slabs from high temperatures after a fire Conjunto de iconos de doble flecha. Flechas opuestas izquierda y derecha. Concepto de invertir sentido, intercambiar, cambio. Ilustración vectorial Speed bumps are common name for family of traffic calming devices that use vertical deflection to slow motor-vehicle traffic in order to improve safety conditions needle deflection on a dial indicator, CU, seamless loop Asteroid deflection technologies solid color background DOUBLE ASTEROID REDIRECTION TEST - DART - on the way to the Didymos system (3d illustration) Attractive woman standing in Hasta Uttanasana pose, deflection back Cathode Ray Tube Diagram In electric fields (J J Thomson experiment) - down deflection