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yellow tail damsel fish close up in an aquarium blue damsel fish Yellow-tail damsel fish in reef tank A boy and a girl swapping traditional gender roles in a school play, with the girl playing the knight and the boy playing the damsel in distress Burrough's damsel pomacentrus burroughi, marine fish in side view Dramatic medieval captive, young, beautiful blonde woman in short blue attire, bound against stone wall. Yellowtail damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema). Popular saltwater aquarium fish from the Indo-Pacific in the family Pomacentridae, aka yellowtail blue damsel and goldtail demoiselle An adult lemon damsel (Pomacentrus moluccensis), on the reef off Kawe Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Southeast Asia シコクスズメダイの幼魚 Sulphur Damsel fish above corals, Red sea ,Egypt Mating pair of blue and yellow Red-eyed Damselfly or Erythromma najas crane damsel bird